Risk Management Software for Sport, Events and Venues

Lose your fear of the unexpected

Our risk management software enables best practices, boosts confidence and saves you time and money.

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Risk Management Software for Sport, Events and Venues

Lose your fear of the unexpected

Our risk management software enables best practices, boosts confidence and saves you time and money.

Challenges faced

If an event or organisation defines objectives without taking risks into consideration, the chances are that they will lose direction and get into serious trouble when issues occur. Most organisations we meet have the following challenges:

  • An ‘informal’ approach to risks and issues
  • Lack of understanding of how risk and issue management is done
  • A risk and issue register sitting separately to project plans
  • Staff lacking the training and/or time to be risk managers
  • Risk and issues not given sufficient importance in event management

How WeTrack can help

WeTrack’s risk and issue management module came about from our frustration at having overcomplicated processes and risk registers sitting separately to the main project plans. Our focus was to make a module that could be used by any organisation to help keep their operations on track. Using our risk and issue module we have helped clients:

  • Save costs by identifying risks early (when they are cheaper to resolve)
  • Understand risk management and make it simple for everyone
  • Prevent any dislocation between project plans and risk registers
  • Get required training and consultation on best practices

Better risk management gives you security

You need the security of a proper risk and issue management approach, with an internal plan to define strategies and responsibilities, and a proper risk register to capture, analyse and report on risks. The latter is where WeTrack comes in. Record your risks effectively, including severity, strategy and impact, and plan and track contingency and mitigation steps. Be open, transparent and accepting about risk management for your event, venue or organisation, because nothing can ever go 100% to plan.

Request a demo
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Better risk management gives you security

You need the security of a proper risk and issue management approach, with an internal plan to define strategies and responsibilities, and a proper risk register to capture, analyse and report on risks. The latter is where WeTrack comes in. Record your risks effectively, including severity, strategy and impact, and plan and track contingency and mitigation steps. Be open, transparent and accepting about risk management for your event, venue or organisation, because nothing can ever go 100% to plan.

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The Details

  • Risk, issue and opportunity management
  • Customisable impact, likelihood and overall risk rating scale
  • Automatically align to projects, tasks, departments and users
  • Create action steps and assign to users so they stay on top of them
  • Strategy options including mitigation and contingency steps
  • Simple to use interface
  • Automatic reporting functions
  • Control confidential items and user permissions
  • Insurance policies to track coverage
  • Draft risk status limits for those without full risk manager roles
  • An add-on to the project management module

We will take the time to set up your system and onboard your team so that they can hit the ground running. Generally, we like to follow the steps below:

  1. An onboarding specialist reviews your processes and reporting needs;
  2. We take existing data (if available) and import using system templates;
  3. Along with your team, we test the assumptions and reporting;
  4. WeTrack provides training onsite or online, depending on requirements;
  5. You’re up and running and WeTrack is available to support you at any time.

During the onboarding phase you are assigned a dedicated account manager to help you get started, along with their phone number and personal email address.

After the training phase has been completed, WeTrack’s online support guide contains a wealth of material on the risks & issues module, including videos and forums. It can be found here and we recommend using that as first place to look if you want any guidance or inspiration.

In addition, you can use the in-app chat widget to talk to one of our team or you can send us an email to support@wetrack.com.

White Paper

The Complete Guide to Risk and Issue Management

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Articles, insights and resources to help your organisation to improve its risk and issue management.

Read Now

How WeTrack can help you

No two events or venues are the same and we pride ourselves on making highly customisable software to suit most organisations.

Please get in touch using this form and we can organise a quick call to learn more about you and whether WeTrack can help.